When I was a kid, I used to think there was this strong dividing line between child and adulthood. One day, you would have a birthday, or...
I have a little motto. Well, maybe it's not a motto, exactly, but it's something I tell myself a lot. You want something, you want to...
Bake Sale for GrandmaJay
If you have been around the stream for the last year, you may have heard a few things about GrandmaJay. Her year has been incredibly...
Stream Updates!
HeyGuys! I just wanted to thank you all for standing by me for almost two months, and welcome all the new subs! Thank you so much for...
Onion Ninjas
It isn't often in one's life that you have moments that truly humble you. Yes yes, sub button, yes, big party. I think we've gone over...
So we're doing this then?
I'm a Twitch Partner. It's kinda weird to think about. Because streaming still feels the same. "Full time" was such a huge change, in...
This is not what full time looks like
If you were unaware, most times when I am not streaming, I am working one of two other jobs. My cool job is the comic book store, and my...
Done Trying for Partner
A lot of my experience with Twitch has been the unrelenting drive for partnership. I talked on Twitter not too long ago about how I felt...
How to start Blogging
I've been intending to start blogging, vlogging, or journalling again for a while. It's healthy to write. You get your experiences,...